Pender County Cooperative Extension: Helping You Grow!
Spring is almost here, bringing with it gardening season! As you start working in your yard or garden this spring, you may find you have questions or problems and Pender County Cooperative Extension can help you find answers and solutions! As part of North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Pender County Cooperative Extension provides Pender residents easy access to the resources and expertise of NC State University and NC A&T State University. Through educational programs, publications, and events, Cooperative Extension agents deliver unbiased, research-based information to Pender County citizens in many areas including horticulture. Our programs are designed to enrich the lives, land, and economies of all North Carolinians. Take advantage of the many resources Extension has available to help you garden and landscape successfully, such as the Pender Teaching Gardens located at the Hampstead Library (picture left) and Pender Extension Office in Burgaw!Read the whole article on the Pender County Cooperative Extension website,
We live in Hampstead and think we have an infestation of gypsy moth caterpillars taking over two of our sweet gum trees. We have a bunch of caterpillars everywhere climbing our porches and house with visible nests in those trees. We also have at least twenty oak trees in our yard and are very concerned as to how to get rid of these so they do not spread throughout my trees. Please HELP