If you have ever walked through your lawn barefoot in spring and thought you were stepping on sandspurs, chances are lawn burrweed has infested your yard. Lawn burrweed, also known as spurweed (Soliva sessilis), has become a common turf weed in our area that is easily identified by its low ferny foliage and sharp, spiny seed pods, which ripen in late spring. As a cool season annual weed, lawn burrweed comes up in the fall, grows slowly through winter, flowers and sets seed in spring, and then dies as temperatures warm up in late spring.
Currently burrweed is still relatively small and has not started to produce its sharp, prickly seed pods. Even though it is not very noticeable at the present time, now is the time to treat lawns infested with this and other winter weeds. Once spring arrives it will be too late to control burrweed because by then its seeds will already have ripened, ensuring a new crop of weeds next winter, and the plants themselves will naturally die as warmer weather sets in.
Read the entire article on the Pender County Cooperative Extension website: http://pender.ces.ncsu.edu/index.php?page=news&ci=LAWN+64
what will kill these plants now