- If a tree that was planted in the last year or two blows over, stand it back up as soon as possible – preferably within a day of blowing over. Stake the tree to help it recover but remember to remove the stakes in 6 months. For instructions on how to stake small trees see these Extension recommendations: http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/factsheets/trees-new/text/staking_trees.html
- If a tree splits in half, as Bradford pears are prone to do, or loses over ½ of its canopy it really is not worth saving. The tree may continue to live for some time but will never recover its shape and eventually decay will set in and the tree will fail.
- For broken branches that you can safely reach and remove, make sure you know where to cut! Poor pruning cuts result in decay and future problems. Find out more about how to remove a limb from this Florida Extension website: http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/woody/pruning-cuts.shtml.
- If removing a branch requires you to climb a ladder with a chainsaw then play it safe! Hire a professional. Many tree care professionals can remove a tree, but if you want to preserve the tree, be sure to hire a CERTIFIED ARBORIST.
- Find out more about hiring a tree care professional from this NC Extension publication: http://cals.ncsu.edu/hort_sci/extension/documents/ag-691.pdf
- Find Certified Arborists on the International Society of Arboriculture website: http://www.isa-arbor.com/faca/findArborist.aspx
- If multiple branches are broken in a shrub, cut the shrub back to 3’-4’ tall. Many shrubs can recover from this type of damage. Wax myrtles are particularly prone to falling apart during strong wind.
- For perennials and ornamental grasses that blow over, go ahead and cut them back to around 2’ tall. They will not stand up again and staking them up is rarely successful. Add the clippings to the compost pile.
- For annuals that fall apart, you may as well pull them up. It will be time to replace them in another month anyway.
- If you live close to the ocean and salt spray has covered your shrubs and perennials rinse them off with clean water as soon as possible if rainfall does not do this for you.
- Tip out any containers of standing water – they will just provide breeding grounds for mosquitos! Mosquito dunks (which contain a special strain of B.t., an organic insecticide) can be placed in small ponds and shallow areas of standing water to help kill mosquito larva.
- For suggestions of wind resistant tree species and cultural practices that minimize wind damage, read this Pender Gardener article from Sept. 2010: http://pender.ces.ncsu.edu/index.php?page=news&ci=LAWN+94
Pender County Cooperative Extension is open! If you have further questions about how to handle storm damaged plants give us a call at 910-259-1235 or use our 'Ask an Expert' widget to post your questions online, http://pender.ces.ncsu.edu/index.php?page=askanexpert.