It is now time to plan and plant for a productive fall and winter vegetable garden! To help you get ready, Pender County Cooperative Extension is holding a fall vegetable gardening class, covering all the vegetables and herbs you can plant now to harvest through fall and winter. We will also discuss sustainable pest management strategies and winter cover crops.
This class will be taught on Saturday, August 15th, at two different times and locations: from 10 am to noon at the Pender Public Library in Burgaw; and from 1:30pm – 3:30pm at the Pender Public Library in Hampstead. Both classes are free, but preregistration by Thursday August 13, is required. To register for the Burgaw class, please call 259-1234; to register for the Hampstead class, please call 270-4603.
If you have any questions about the class or fall vegetable gardening, please contact Pender County Cooperative Extension at 259-1235 or email charlotte_glen@ncsu.edu.